The digital evidence, the work of Javier Chaverri Ross, highlights the characteristics of technological evidence, a type of evidence that in certain groups of crimes has come to displace documentary evidence in the strict sense, while delving into the mechanisms for its obtaining and safeguarding.

An important place is assigned in this text to the technological research measures that are currently being used in countries such as Spain, Chile, Colombia or Argentina, as well as to the updated procedural regulation around evidence, due to its capacity to affect the right to privacy and other fundamental rights.

This monograph is not only innovative due to its subject matter, it is also an important instrument for lawyers, computer experts and judges, because it reveals certain shortcomings in our judicial practice, with respect to technological means of proof and/or crimes committed using such devices. .

Likewise, although it has not been expressly noted, it highlights the need to adapt procedural legislation to new times, a pending task for our legislators that the author brings to the discussion with technical arguments and cases from other countries.

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